Competition results HTML & CSS 2015

It's time to sum up the competition HTML & CSS 2015. All participants passed the qualifying round, coped with the task of the second round, thus complicating the task of selecting our winners.

The complexity of the task was not only to create an adaptive HTML-coding of the site, it was necessary to provide for the possibility of the site on various mobile devices with non-standard resolution, so-called adaptive responsive (rubber) HTML- code.

In addition, HTML-coding should be performed without error, using standard semantic markup data (

Independent Commission carefully checked each of the works and selected the winners.

The finalists HTML & CSS 2015

Third place in the competition in 2015 HTML & CSS occupied:

  • Nick Pradautsa
  • Stanislaw Kozak
  • Eugene Proca

The second place and the prize №2 took:

  • Lydia Maximova

First place in the contest HTML & CSS in 2015 won:

  • Andrey Shvets.

Awarding of the winners took place in a festive atmosphere August 12, 2015. Company I.M. PunctTechnology S.R.L. planning to hold similar competitions for young professionals in the field of web technologies in the future. Follow the news on our website.

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